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What did they think as a non Amy fans think of the biopic?

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#1 galadriel_21



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Posted 29 June 2024 - 07:30 PM

Omg I just realized the title is absolute garbage sorry about that haha.


My apologies if this topic has been beat to death.


So I originally watched it and then watched it again recently with my dad. I think it was wayy too fast paced, you really can't make an accurate film about somebody's whole life in only 2 hours. I feel like her story is so strong, so fascinating though that it doesn't need all the simplification that the movie portrays in order to keep the viewers' attentions span.


My dad liked it because it wasn't "cringe" lol and seemed heartfelt overall. He's not big into Amy, but appreciates her work it seems.


I think I have mixed feelings about it, I'm only interested in it because it's about her. I would probably watch it again if I craved some more Amy content, but then again the real thing is better. But the main focus of the story is her relationship with Blake, which seemingly falls apart and even begins for no good reason shown. It's just "they're back together" and then "they're not." They show one chaotic montage of their behavior but that's all. If they really wanted to make the Amy and Blake film they should've just called it that and did a full deep dive onto their lifestyle, but that might be just me. 

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